*Important* WWV/WWVH Petition

QST- Calling all amateur radio operators.

The latest Presidential Budget proposal to Congress includes the shutting down radio stations WWV and WWVH

The JSC Amateur Radio Club, strongly urges all hams to sign an online petition to prevent the closure of the National Institute of Standards and Technology WWV and WWVH radio stations. 

These stations have provided radio hams and short wave listeners 100 years of on-the-air radio calibration transmissions on the HF bands. 

It is the legendary heartbeat of the radio waves in America and we need to seek Congress’ consideration to retain a budget to keep it going.

Please consider signing the simple online petition located on the W5RRR.org website and spread the word to your family and friends.

It needs 100,000 signatures by September 15th to insure a response by the White House and to date there are not many. https://petitions.whitehouse. gov/petition/maintain-funding- nist-stations-wwv-wwvh

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