Net Control Script

Net Control Script (1484 downloads )

NOTE: Speak Slowly, Clearly, and into the microphone at all times.


This is <Name>, <Callsign>, serving as Net control for the Johnson Space Center Amateur Radio Club’s weekly information net. This net meets each Tuesday evening at 7:00PM and is open to all amateur radio operators in the coverage area of the 146.64 MHz W5RRR Repeater with a tone of 123 Hz.

Before beginning the net tonight, if there are any stations with emergency or priority traffic, please call now.

<Pause for 5 seconds>

The primary purpose of this radio net is to provide the opportunity for club members, and other amateur radio operators, to exchange traffic, news, opinions, and information. Additional information and announcements are available on the JSC Amateur Radio Club website,

  • The JSCARC is intended to primarily facilitate multiple NASA activities, including assisting schools to make direct or telebridge contacts with the “Amateur Radio on International Space Station” program,– also known as: the ARISS program.
  • Also, the JSCARC is intended to provide:
    • support for educational outreach programs,
    • support to the JSC Emergency Operations Center (EOC)
    • and assistance, as needed, in the training of astronauts on the use of ISS amateur radio hardware.

The JSCARC is engaged in a variety of activities throughout the year including contesting, VHF/UHF operations, antenna building and testing, DIY projects, ARRL Field Day, special operating events, and miscellaneous Public Service activities. Club meetings are held on the 2nd Thursday of each month at 7:00PM and typically located in one of the rooms in the Gilruth facility. Please check the W5RRR web site for the posted meeting room location. Access to the Gilruth Center is off of Space Center Boulevard on the northeast side of the Johnson Space Center.

This is a directed net, which means all calls are to be made to the net control station unless you are instructed otherwise. All amateur radio operators are invited and encouraged to check into the net.

When checking into the net please announce your call sign slowly and phonetically followed by your name and whether or not you have traffic for the net. After a few check-ins the net control will pause and review the check-in list. If your check-in is not acknowledged, then please try again.

We will now begin taking check-ins to the Johnson Space Center Amateur Radio club information net. Any stations wishing to check-in to the net tonight, please call now.

<Receive check-ins>

Thank you for these check-ins.

I have copied:

<Recite check-in’s received, “CALLSIGN, NAME, TRAFFIC/NO-TRAFFIC” >

Are there any corrections to this list? Please call now.

Are there any additional check-ins? Please call now.


I’d like to check-in the W5RRR Echolink remote participants at this time.

Because our Echolink node is currently unable to be keyed, users are in listen-only mode.

OPTION 1 (if you are monitoring Echolink)

<Recite the listed Echolink participant as viewed from your PC/cellphone>

OPTION 2 (if you are NOT monitoring Echolink)

May I ask for a relay from someone who is monitoring the check-ins on Echolink?

<Call on the “relay station” to recite the Echolink users>

We shall now take stations who have indicated they have traffic:

<Work down the list of Callsigns with traffic, one at a time>

Thank you. Does anyone have comments or questions on this traffic?

<Repeat until done >

And now we will proceed with W5RRR traffic.

<Insert W5RRR traffic here>

That ends W5RRR traffic.

Are there any comments or questions on this traffic?

At this time we will now take in any additional check-ins. Any additional check-ins please call now.

<Receive check-ins>

Thank you for these check-ins.

I have copied:

<Recite check-in’s received, “CALLSIGN, NAME, TRAFFIC/NO-TRAFFIC” >

Are there any corrections to this list? Please call now.

Are there any additional check-ins? Please call now.

If late check-ins have traffic:

We shall now call on stations who have indicated they have traffic:

<Work down the list of Callsigns with traffic, one at a time>

Thank you. Does anyone have comments or questions on this traffic?

<Repeat until done >

Before we close the net for tonight, if there are any additional check-ins, please call now.

<Recite any late check-ins, and let them pass traffic, if any, as done above>

<Don’t forget to check EchoLink for any late check-ins.>

I wish to thank all stations for taking time out of their busy schedules to participate in tonight’s net. Be careful and have a good evening. Until next Tuesday night at 7:00PM local time, I now close the JSCARC net and return the W5RRR repeater to normal amateur radio use.

73 to all this is <callsign>, clear.