Serving NASA and local communities since 1967

Welcome to the The Johnson Space Center Amateur Radio Club (JSCARC) site.  We are located at the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center (JSC) approximately 25 miles southeast of downtown Houston, Texas. Our mission is to actively provide and promote STEAM outreach, emergency operations, mission support, and public service for NASA and the local communities.


W5RRR is an active participant of NASA ON THE AIR (NOTA)


Texas QSO Party 2024


Lone Star Flight Museum + Ham Radio

o ANNOUNCING a significant opportunity to collaborate with the Lone Star Flight Museum.

o READ the presentation given at the May JSCARC monthly meeting <HERE>

o VOLUNTEER for Ham Radio Outreach participation for this effort

** Signup <HERE>


o July 25. Jeff AB4ME, Kelvin K5KGH, Jerry N5FWB to conduct Soldering 101 workshop and W5RRR tour to JSC Ham Radio Student Interns

o July 22. Ken K5RG presents "A Connecticut Yankee in Apollo's Cours, or How to Incorporate Luck into System Designs" to at-large Summer Interns

o July 19. Jeff AB4ME presents "New Ham Introduction" and "First Radio" presentation to JSC Ham Radio Student Interns

o July 17. JSCARC Monthly Meeting Minutes <HERE>

o July 12. JSC Student Interns license pre-examination held at Gilruth.

- Overview material <HERE>

- Please fill out FCC FRN Number <HERE>

o June 29. JSCARC, CLARC, and UHARC met with the Sr Director of Education and Outreach for the Lone Star Flight Museum. Potential upcoming STEM collaboration projects are in work.

A Connecticut Yankee in Apollo’s Court

In commemoration of the 55th anniversary of Apollo 11 and alongside the JSCARC’s activation of W5RRR to promote NASA-On-The Air (nasaontheair.wordpress.org), Ken K5RG graciously offered to give the 2024 JSC Ham Radio Summer Student Interns ... Read more...

Tidelands Hamfest 2024

Hurricane Beryl sure did impact the typically large crowds at today’s Texas City hamfest. I’d estimate the vendors and buyers were down about 50%.  Tidelands ARC president, Bo KT1AA, confirmed that this hurricane was quite ... Read more...

W5RRR/R 3PP (3 Park POTA)

In spite of a looming Hurricane Beryl, W5RRR/R made its advertised presence on the air at the three parks: Galveston, Justin Hurst, and Brazos Bend. 105 QSOs across CW and SSB on 15 and 20m. ... Read more...

Lone Star Flight Museum (LSFM) collaboration kickoff

Officers and key personnel from the  met on June 29th, 2024, in partnership to discuss potential STEM outreach projects sponsored the the Lone Star Flight Museum (LSFM). Ann Hobing, the Senior Director of Education and ... Read more...

W5RRR Field Day 2024

  June 22-23, 2024.  Wow, it’ was another fun, wild and wooly Field Day for the JSCARC and CLARC team who diligently put 12 radios stations on the air (12F STX) within the SSB/Digital/CW villages ... Read more...

Radio Support… Montana style

Dan, KG5PVP is a QTH hopper.  He rotates his stays between Houston and a remote QTH in the Kootenai national forest area of northwest Montana.  Dan splits his ham participation between three clubs:  K5HOU/CLARC, W5RRR/JSCARC ... Read more...