W5RRR tracking pass with the ISS

Mike, N8MTV, is leading the JSCARC’s efforts to rebuild the W5RRR satellite tracking station as an ARISS (Amateur Radio on the International Space Station ) ground station. Through guidance from Ken, N5VHO, the ISS Ham Project Coordinator, Mike successfully captured a downlink pass of a school contact with the ARISS on Feb 15th .

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Echo-Echo-Echo- Echo…. link!

AB5SS delivers again! John setup a remote echolink station which adds a new capability for W5RRR. At least for now, John has implemented an echolink remote station at his QTH to serve as the W5RRR-R echo link connection to our repeater in support of the weekly W5RRR FM net held on Tuesdays on 146.640 @ 7:00PM. With this new capability, anyone outside of the immediate W5RRR repeater coverage area can participate in our weekly net.

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Top Band @ W5RRR

Older amateur operators often refer to 160 meters as the Top Band. It’s the oldest amateur radio band and was the staple of relaible communication in the earliest days of amatuer radio when almost all communications were over relatively short distances. Today, it’s a popular band with high performance especially at sunset through sunrise, provided you have a good large antenna.

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FLIP OR FLOP (Part 3) – The Furniture Move

KG5HOK and N5FWB led the charge to finish the day with an attempt to move the MCC styled consoles into the shack. Previously placed in holding storage in the ESTA (Energy Systems Test Area) facility (the place where KB5PGY regularly blows up flight assets- in a controlled manner of course…), the club members who just finished disassembling the ham shack console now jumped into 3 trucks and loaded up the truck beds from the ESTA garage. Heavy, heavy, heavy.

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FLIP OR FLOP (Part 2) – The satellite console

Part II (The satellite console)

On a drizzly Saturday morning Feb 10, 2018, club members came to the rescue (again) to finish up some reinstallation of electrical/ground cover plates (removed for the previous day’s painting) and the major job to dismantle our famous Apollo vintage metal cabinet which housed our current satellite station.

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W5RRR 2m Net Traffic – 2/13/18

1. ELMERS. During our new recruitment drive, we’re projecting many new members that likely are seeking to get licenses and needing someone to help them get introduced to the hobby. Looking for ELMERs to be matched as dedicated mentors with our new members. No experienced required other than helping new members get introduced to the functions of … Read more…

FLIP OR FLOP (Part 1) – Painting

The W5RRR radio shack is getting a major redo and it’s almost done!

Last weekend, members, K5RG/N5FWB/AB5SS/W9TWJ/N8MTV/W5OC joined forces to have a painting party in the shack.
The shack now has a nice off-white paint job on three walls, with a fine accent wall at the front wall of the room.

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