It’s been another active few weeks for W5RRR and the JSCARC members:
Friday 11/15-16
George @ George (Ranch) – Frontier Days
AD5CQ hosts a booth to demonstrate History of CW at the George Ranch Texican Market Days.
(Photo from last year’s event)
Sunday 11/17
ARRL Sweepstakes SSB
Tanner W9TWJ and Bekah KD5TDP participated in the ARRL SS contest on Sunday. The contest was already half over when they started but scored an impressive Total Contacts=466, Total Points=78,288, only missing NT (Canada Northern Territories) for a clean sweep! Avg QSO/hr rate= 42.
Total Contacts by Band and Mode:
Band Phone %
—— —— —–
20 225 48
15 209 45
10 32 7
—– —- —–
Total 466 100
From Tanner:
I expected (as always) for 20m to be the money band as the station always performs extremely well on the band. Things were just fine on 20m (QSO count wise) but it didn’t seem normal. 15m was hot and we made 3 or 4 good runs on 15. We also picked up several Qs on 10m. Always good to get N1KSC in the log and hear them. Hopefully time doesn’t slip away and we can operate all 24 hours next year. It was a marathon and I was thankful we were in a spirit type of mode and didn’t have to operate another 13 hours.
Fantastic newsletter – Thanks