Winter Field Day (WFD) 2018 @ W5RRR


On a cold, rainy weekend of the January 27th, members of the JSCARC successfully marked W5RRR’s presence in our first ever 2018 Winter Field Day event. KB5PGY, W9TWJ, and W5OC setup portable operations from the outdoor picnic tables adjacent to the W5RRR shack.   The intrepid trio strung up a variety of temporary antennas which included two long wire antennas (Zepp, End-Fed) strung from the trees and two exotic portable vertical antennas: 1) The Next Generation Antenna (N6BT) V-8 and 2) the Transworld TW-2010/4040, both ground mounted. The V-8 antenna required a bit of ingenuity to mount but W9TWJ ended up hammering down 2 leftover fence posts from last year’s summer FD, which worked great as a self supporting ground stake.

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KG5NQP, 2M Net Control 1st Timer

Special shout out to Christi, KG5NQP. Christi is a new ham and graciously accepted a quick turnaround need to serve as Net Control for the JSCARC weekly 2m FM Tuesday net. With no experience, nor practice, she bravely accepted the challenge. With a standard script in-hand, she did an awesome job from the W5RRR VHF station.

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