It’s not even field day, but Murphy’s Law has arrived.

- The W5RRR shack back doorlatch is broken. Completely kaput.
- The 20m Yagi has degraded to the point there is no discernable resonance and the defective feed connection is causing splatter during transmit.
- The 15m Yagi has now gotten worse. Resonance has shifted to 21.7MHz.
- The IC-781 is broken again. Intermittent TX and RX. Perhaps lose internal connector.
- On the antenna patch panel, the SO-239 threads assigned to the 15m antenna have worn down. All PL-259 push-on connector shells make unacceptable contact. Not a big deal but needs attention.

IC-781 something intermittent causing TX and RX noise crackle Tired old door lack decides to give up

Let’s hope Murphy won’t return before FD…